
rotate: To grow different crops from year to year in a field. Rotating crops supports soil health, reduces pest and disease pressure, and improves overall farm productivity.


resistance: The ability of an organism not to be affected by something such as a disease, stress factor, process, or treatment. Managing resistance helps farmers protect crop and livestock health, ensuring sustainable farm productivity.

Rural Inspectorate Wales

Rural Inspectorate Wales: The organization that is responsible for administering CAP schemes in Wales. Abbreviation: RIW. The RIW supports farmers by ensuring compliance with agricultural regulations and promoting best practices.

Root System

root system: All the roots of a plant. Managing root systems supports healthy crop growth and soil health.


Radnor: A breed of small hill sheep similar to the Welsh Mountain. Offers farmers a hardy breed option well-suited for rough terrains, enhancing farm productivity and wool/meat quality.

Rhizoctonia Root Rot

rhizoctonia root rot: A common soil fungus (Rhizoctonia solani) which attacks the roots of seedlings and retards growth. Managing this fungus is crucial for protecting crop health and ensuring optimal growth.

Rough Grazing

rough grazing: Unimproved grazing, found in mountain, heath, and moorland areas. Utilizing rough grazing supports livestock production on marginal lands and enhances biodiversity.


rust: A fungal disease that gives plants a reddish powdery covering. Managing rust is crucial for protecting crop health and ensuring high-quality yields.

Roguing Glove

roguing glove: A glove impregnated with herbicide, used to destroy wild oats. Using roguing gloves helps farmers manage weeds effectively and protect crop health.


RAS: Abbreviation for Royal Agricultural Societies. These societies support farmers through research, education, and advocacy, enhancing agricultural practices and policies.


retail: The sale of small quantities of goods to the general public. Engaging in retail sales allows farmers to capture higher profit margins and connect directly with consumers.


rice: A plant that is the most important cereal crop and the staple food of half the population of the world. Latin name: Oryza sativa. Growing rice provides farmers with a staple crop that has high demand and multiple market applications.


restore: To give something back, or put something back to a previous state or position. Restoring soil health and fertility supports sustainable farming practices and ensures long-term productivity.


rafter: To plough land, leaving a space between the furrows. Helps farmers manage soil erosion and maintain soil health by controlling water runoff.

Responsible Care

responsible care: An initiative of the chemical industry which requires member firms to follow codes of conduct on such matters as toxic materials, waste reduction, chemical-accident minimization, worker safety, and community consultation. Following responsible care principles ensures safe and sustainable agricultural practices.


recessive: (of a gene or genetically controlled characteristic) suppressed by the presence of a corresponding dominant gene. Understanding genetics helps farmers with selective breeding programs to enhance desirable traits in crops and livestock.


residual: Referring to the amount of something that is left behind. Understanding residual levels helps farmers manage pesticide and fertilizer use, ensuring food safety and environmental health.

Roe Deer

roe deer: One of the breeds of deer which are found wild in the UK. Understanding local wildlife helps farmers manage land and protect crops from grazing animals.


radicle: The tiny structure in a plant embryo from which the root will develop. Understanding radicle growth is essential for farmers to ensure proper seed germination and healthy crop development.

Rotation Design

rotation design: A method of conserving soil nutrients in organic farming by planting different crops in different years. Using rotation designs supports sustainable farming practices and soil health.

Rural Environment

rural environment: The countryside. Protecting the rural environment supports sustainable agriculture and enhances biodiversity.