Companion Planting

companion planting: The practice of growing different plants together for mutual benefit. Companion planting can improve pest control, pollination, and crop yield.


Certification: The process of obtaining or giving approval for something, such as carrying out a particular type of test. Achieving certification demonstrates compliance with industry standards and enhances farm credibility.

Crude Protein

Crude Protein: Crude protein noun an approximate measure of the protein content of foods. Understanding crude protein content aids in managing livestock nutrition and health.

Commodity Mountain

Commodity Mountain: Commodity mountain noun a surplus of a certain agricultural product produced in the EU, e.g. the ‘butter mountain.’ Understanding commodity mountains helps manage supply and demand in agricultural markets.


Clostridial: Referring to Clostridium, a type of bacterium. Managing clostridial diseases involves using appropriate vaccines and biosecurity measures to protect livestock health.


Cashmere: A very fine down undercoat on a goat, less than 18 microns thick. Raising cashmere goats provides high-value wool for the textile industry, enhancing farm income.

Commercial Grain Farming

Commercial Grain Farming: Commercial grain farming noun a highly mechanized agricultural system in which large areas of mid-latitude grasslands are given over to cereal cultivation. Implementing commercial grain farming techniques increases crop yields and efficiency.


Coulter: Coulter /k??lt?/ noun the part of the plough which goes into the soil and makes the vertical cut COMMENT: There are several types of coulter: the disc coulter cuts the side of the furrow about to be turned; the knife coulter serves the same purpose, but is now little used; the skim coulter turns a small slice off the corner of the furrow about to be turned and throws it into the bottom of the one before; it is attached to the beam behind the disc coulters. Understanding coulter functions aids in effective ploughing and soil management.

Crested Dogstail

Crested Dogstail: Crested dogstail /krestid d?gzte?l/ noun a perennial grass (Cynosurus cristatus) which is not very palatable because of its wiry inflorescences, and is used in seed mixtures for lawns. Utilizing crested dogstail enhances lawn management and soil health.


Chlorination: Sterilization by adding chlorine. Implementing chlorination practices helps farmers manage water quality and ensure food safety in processing operations.


Chickweed: A widespread choking weed (Stellaria media) found in cereals and grass. Managing chickweed involves using appropriate weed control measures to protect crops and maintain healthy fields.


Charolais: A breed of beef cattle originating in central France, valued for fast growth and lean meat, or a breed of sheep with a characteristic ‘red’ face. Raising Charolais cattle and sheep provides high-quality meat and wool, enhancing farm productivity and income.

Commodity Exchange

Commodity Exchange: Commodity exchange noun a place where commodities are bought and sold. Engaging in commodity exchanges provides opportunities for price discovery and risk management.

Circulation Of The Blood

Circulation of the Blood: The movement of blood around the body from the heart through the arteries to the capillaries and back to the heart through the veins. Understanding livestock physiology, including blood circulation, helps farmers manage animal health and diagnose conditions.


Cinnamon: The aromatic inner bark of the tropical tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) used as a spice. Growing cinnamon provides a specialty crop for culinary use, enhancing farm product diversity and income.


Compact: Compact verb to compress the ground and make it hard, e.g. by driving over it with heavy machinery or as the result of a lot of people walking on it. Managing soil compaction involves using proper tillage and traffic management practices to maintain soil health.

Classical Swine Fever

Classical Swine Fever: Same as swine fever. Managing swine fever involves implementing biosecurity measures and vaccination programs to protect pig health and ensure farm productivity.


Cauliflower: A plant of the cabbage family with a large white head made up of a mass of curds. Growing cauliflowers provides nutritious food and valuable produce for fresh markets and processing, contributing to farm income.


Chlorinated: Treated with chlorine. Using chlorinated treatments helps farmers manage water quality and protect crops from pathogens.

Contract Work

Contract Work: Contract work noun work carried out by specialist firms on a contract, which involves payment for work carried out, e.g. the provision of a drainage system or combining a crop. Engaging in contract work ensures access to specialized services and expertise for farm operations.


Creep: Creep noun 1. a slow movement of soil down a slope 2. a small entrance through which young animals can pass. Understanding soil creep aids in managing land stability and preventing erosion.